Pine Garden Audio guide

Pine Garden Audio guide


2. Historical Buildings

02Historical  Buildings

The Pine Garden has the best conserved military building from the Japanese Occupation in Hualien County. Built primarily of bricks, wood and reinforced concrete, the eclectic architectural style combines European-style arcades with Japanese-style wooden windows, sliding doors and timber truss roof. Because the “military command center” was built in a hurry during the War, the emphasis was on strength and durability rather than elaborate adornment. From a modern perspective, it has a simple rustic charm.

There were originally five buildings in Pine Garden; but one of these – a wooden gate house standing next to the main entrance, unfortunately had to be torn down due to severe deterioration from years of neglect. Today, there are only four buildings remaining in the Pine Garden, including a two-story building that is mainly used as an exhibition venue, and a restaurant, a gift shop and a little wooden house.


Historical Buildings Historical Buildings Historical Buildings